The General Environment Facilitator Droid, mark V was constructed by a Ho'Din mechanic named Krigsin Magoo at the behest of the famous bounty hunter Miria Casteel. Casteel desired a third degree droid that could look after mundane duties such as appointment scheduling, folding laundry, packing luggage and nail polish application. Despite the failure of four initial prototypes, Magoo achieved success with his fifth design. Upon its completion, the GE-V was dubbed Geeves.
With its panels closed, Geeves is a half-meter diameter sphere that is divided into two independently rotating hemispheres. Two panels on each hemisphere open to reveal extendable attachments, which aid the droid in its duties. The upper attachments are an iron/steamer and a scomplink armature; the lower are two fine grasper arms. The droid's eye/visual sensor is set on "top" of the sphere and can also rotate freely. Geeves' versatile repuls-o-vator maneuvering system allows it to reach even the most inaccessible closet space. Geeves speaks with an outrageously snobbish accent.
Geeves was designed to help Ms. Casteel keep up with high society trends and to that end keeps its photo-receptor trained galaxy-wide on the latest fashion news from the zero-G runways of the Imperial Core to the elite boutiques of Cloud City. In addition, Geeves maintains a searchable database of the most posh bistros and restaurants of any sector of the galaxy that Miria Casteel may choose to visit. Finally, Krigsin Magoo included starship-related skills so that Geeves could aid Casteel aboard her starship.
Magoo believes there may be a niche market for the GE-V model and is considering constructing more of the units. To keep costs down, he expects not to include the astrogation and starship repair skillware.
• Geeves the Droid
Model: General Environment Facilitator Droid, mark V
Bureaucracy 4D, cleaning/packing 4D, cultures 4D, hygiene/grooming 4D
Astrogation 6D
Hide 3D, search 3D
Lifting 2D
Space Transports Repair 4D
Equipped with:
Move: 8
Size: 0.5 meters diameter
Cost: 5000 credits
Availability: Unique (custom model)
Personality Matrix: Complex