Before I begin, I must apologize for falling a little behind in this project, but I’m hoping to catch up before the month is over. The next Pet of the Old Republic tied for first place in the vote tally of pets I should cover, and it is, of course, the infamous and adorably named baby Drouk, Dwedtoof, who is as fierce as it is tiny.
Depending on how you acquire it, Dwedtoof can be one of the most complicated and difficult pets for players to earn in Star Wars: The Old Republic. Dwedtoof drops as loot from the “empowered” versions of the Section X world boss Dreadtooth. Every time Dreadtooth is defeated it drops an item called “Dreadful Essence” These are vials of Dreadtooth’s protoplasm and can be injected into Dreadtooth and each stack of the essence increases the boss’s power, up to a maximum of ten stacks. Dwedtoof is guaranteed to drop from Dreadooth at ten stacks, but also has a reduced chance to drop at five stacks.
As Dreadtooth gains power, it becomes a more difficult fight and requires more and more players to overcome the challenge, and I recommend a full operations group of 24 players to successfully take down the Nightmarishly empowered version of Dreadtooth. Given the mechanics of how players must empower Dreadtooth, I think it’s safe to assume that we can never actually permanently defeat, much less, kill this fearsome Drouk. It is well established in Star Wars lore from Kephess to various Emperors that the Sith drive to cheat death leads to endless torment, and at a certain point you’ve got to feel bad for Dreadtooth who is just out for a stroll and probably just doesn’t want to be bothered.
Dreadtooth on patrol in Section X.
Dwedtoof and Dreadtooth are Drouks, large armored and spiked humanoid monsters. In Star Wars lore, Drouks are unique to Star Wars: The Old Republic, and first appeared in the Explosive Conflict operation both as trash mobs and as the pair Toth and Zorn, the first boss encounter of the operation. I am not aware of any background lore regarding Drouks, but I don’t believe they are native to Denova where we first encounter them; I think it’s fair to assume that the Warstalkers under Warlord Kephess brought the Drouks to the wartorn planet as part of their assault.
The Dreadmasters who are responsible for the attack on Denova seem to have been impressed with the creatures enough that they deposited the mighty Dreadtooth in the Section X enclave on Belsavis and used Drouks as guards in their Dread Palace lair.
Beyond their prodigious size and strength, one trait that Drouks seem to share is that they are driven berserk when in proximity to each other. This does raise questions about how Drouks mate, but it also highlights the cruelty of the Warstalkers and the Dreadmasters who turned this natural animosity to their advantage.
Drouk pets: Baby Drouk, Dwedtoof, Blood Drouk and Mountain Drouk.
For pet collectors, there are three other varieties of Drouk pets available to players. The Baby Drouk is offered by the Section X reputation vendor, the Blood Drouk can be found on each faction’s reputation vendors on Oricon, and the Mountain Drouk can be found on the cartel market and the GTN auction house. Dwedtoof, like other pets from operations bosses, is not bound on pick-up and can also be found on the GTN. As I write this, Dwedtoof is not even listed on every server’s GTN, and on Star Forge it is for sale for more than one billion credits. Buyer beware indeed!
Finally, an adult Drouk decoration can be acquired from the Toth and Zorn encounter in the Veteran and Master mode versions of the Explosive Conflict operation.
He so cute!
Kinda wish Dreadtooth actually had a skin more like Dwedtoof with the darker scales and the blue light veins and eyes, instead of the more generic Drouk skin he has.