Pets of the Old Republic celebrates Valentine’s Day with a pet whose name is appropriate for the occasion if not its appearance: the Heartglow Mewvorr.
Like so many other creatures in the lore of both Star Wars and Star Wars: The Old Republic, the Mewvorr is a hybrid combining bits of many animals from across real and fictional animal kingdoms. The Mewvorr has the skin of a lizard, the carapace and mandibles of a beetle, the armored hide of a dinosaur, the glow of a firefly and perhaps even the purr of a little cat!
Although it is not made explicit in SWTOR, I believe Mewvorrs are the juvenile forms of Mawvorrs, carnivorous predators first encountered by players on their native planet of Voss. In the same way we refer to baby cats as kittens, I imagine the Voss use the term of endearment “Mewvorr” for baby Mawvorrs.
A Crysfang Mawvorr hunting Gormak on Voss
The Gormak don’t seem to regard Mawvorrs quite so fondly as their sibling species on Voss. In fact Mawvorrs react negatively to the Gormak and are said to attack them on sight. Mawvorrs are also known as “Crysfangs” on Voss, and I wonder if this is the name the Gormak have given to these creatures. One look at the needle-like teeth that fill the mouths of both adult Mawvorrs and even tiny Mewvorrs makes the reason for this name obvious.
When the Gormak use Mawvorrs as guard animals, they cybernetically augment them, most likely to keep them in line. I’m often sympathetic to the plight of the Gormak, but in this case, I can’t support them in the practice of animal cruelty.
While most commonly found on Voss in the wild, the Interpreter’s Retreat area and in the Shrine of Silence flashpoint, Mawvorrs are also found on Zakuul, presumably imported there by Emperor Valkorion in a past age.
Glowing Mewvorrs alongside a row of Datacrons. The Venomous Ginx is green enough for now.
There are many varieties of Mewvorr pets for players to collect in the game. The most distinctive of these won’t cost you a single cartel coin. The Heartglow Mewvorr featured here as well as the glowing yellow Goldplate Mewvorr drop as loot in all modes of the Korriban Incursion and Assault on Tython flashpoints. The red-pink Prismatic Mewvorr can be found in the flashpoint Legacy of the Rakata, and the blue Aquatic Mewvorr drops in the Depths of the Manaan flashpoint. All of these pets do not bind on pickup and can also be found on SWTOR’s GTN auction house, as can other varieties of Cybernetic Mewvorrs from the Cartel Market. The most recent addition to the Mewvorr family, the glowing red Flameshell Mewvorr can be earned by achievement hunters in the Interpreter’s Retreat questing area on Voss.
Sadly, there is one color of Mewvorr missing for players who would like to complete the rainbow of Mewvorrs, and that is a glowing green Mewvorr. Perhaps an emerald shelled Mewvorr is lurking in an undiscovered corner of the galaxy.
Finally, players who would like a fully grown Mawvorr to adventure alongside can also find a Mawvorr companion on the Cartel Market and GTN.