Pets of the Old Republic: #3. Fiery Grophet

With the Feast of Prosperity event active in Star Wars: The Old Republic, and Thanksgiving season in full swing in North America, I decided the next subjects to depict in my Pets of the Old Republic series ought to be seasonally appropriate and perhaps even delicious!

Grophets were introduced to Star Wars during SWTOR’s Shadow of Revan expansion as wild animals found on the planet Rishi. Grophets are omnivores that combine the qualities of the wild pigs, the size and temperament of hippopotamuses with a dash of armored dinosaurs like the Ankylosaurus. Grophets are renowned as delicacies in Hutt cuisine, but they have proven difficult to domesticate. With their long sensitive ears and reinforced skulls, grophets are stubborn and formidable enemies, difficult to approach and dangerous to provoke.

The most notable grophets in SWTOR are the only know named examples in the lore: Straugh, Wudd, and Breck, three very large, rare spawns necessary to unlock Rishi’s datacrons. These grophets are named after the building materials used in the fable of the Three Little Pigs. If you’re curious who the bad guy is in SWTOR’s version of this story, well, it’s us. We’re the Big Bad Wolf.

If you need proof, look no further than the expression on the tiny grophet in my portrait. It is not the product of my imagination. Get close to any grophet and you’ll see they do not ever seem to be in the mood to be trifled with. Grophets are mad as hell, and they are not going to take it anymore.

The reason for that rage could very well stem from SWTOR’s Galactic Command gearing system from the Knights of the Eternal Throne expansion. Galactic Command was, in my opinion, SWTOR’s worst gearing system, so absolutely egalitarian that it frustrated casual players, hard-core raiders, sweaty PVPers and everyone else in between. Among the wardrobes of useless gear we acquired from the Galactic Command loot boxes, were occasional cosmetic items like pets and mounts. Players who advanced their Command level to the highest tier could loot this week’s pet: the Fiery Grophet.

If you were like me, you probably quickly ran out of characters to whom to give these orange space piggies. Unwanted loot from Command Crates could be converted into Command points towards more Crates, and many players were all too eager to “recycle” their poor unwanted grophets. But not me. I just couldn’t do it. Every single Fiery Grophet I received was saved. During KotET, I rescued nearly one thousand pets from the Galactic Command incinerator. Over the years I’ve given many away or auctioned them off to good homes, but I still have dozens and dozens left.

If you are on the Star Forge server and would like a Fiery Grophet of your own, leave a comment below with your character name (be mindful of spaces and special symbols) and faction, and I will mail you one free of charge. This offer is good while supplies last and I don’t expect my supply to be exhausted any time soon!

Sadly, I cannot extend this offer to players on other servers, but there are other grophet pets available from the Rishi reputation vendor and the Cartel Market; the Fiery Grophet itself can still be acquired using tech fragments and 75,000 credits from the Spoils of War Pets vendor on both Fleets.

Finally I want to give thanks to the great and powerful Shintar who suggested the Fiery Grophet and my co-guild leader Galaxiya who would taunt me every time she’d grind a grophet into CXP. I still wake up in the dark and hear the screaming of the grophets.

Next time: birds of a feather.



Filed under General SWTOR, KotET, My Artwork, Pets of the Old Republic

10 Responses to Pets of the Old Republic: #3. Fiery Grophet

  1. You should’ve linked my name to this post! 😄 (And yes, I did also end up filling an alt’s cargo bay with tabs upon tabs of fiery grophets on Darth Malgus…)

    I just checked and several of my alts on Star Forge are still grophet-less! Feel free to mail one to Skiella and Shintisar on Rep side and Shintoo and Pantisar on Imp side.

  2. What a story lol, I started playing some time after that, so I don’t think I have one of these cute little guys. Feel free to send one to Kenth Olen on Republic side!

  3. Robin

    I definitely find the grophets an interesting species.
    Ne’ssa on republic side, please. 🙂

  4. Jessa

    I think they are cute in a piggy way.
    Jessa Republic side, miigwech

  5. Walex

    Thank you for the offer and your great Grophet lore.

    I really liked the The Little Pigs Grophet reference on Rishi. My IRL surname is Wolf so becoming The Wolf of Rishi was even more special!

    I always hoped they’d do Caddyshack references for an especially sinister grophet making trouble on a farm or in a royal garden.

    Waléx , Imperial Side (Star Forge)

  6. I don’t know if Grophets are cute or just quite ugly XD
    But they do make good bacon, better then Ugnaughts^^

  7. Mark P

    I’d love a grophet. I’m allyourbasearebelong – republic side – star forge. Thx

  8. Frank Payne

    thewarthogrocks on republic side, please