
Today SAG-AFTRA, the union that represents performers who work on video games called for a strike against many game companies including Disney Character Voices Inc. and Electronic Arts Productions Inc. For now, I am assuming that this includes Star Wars: The Old Republic.

I don’t believe anyone can argue against the importance of voice actors to the success of SWTOR. Debates about which player character or companion or villain is our favorite are inextricably tied to the performers whose voices helped bring those parts to life.

I strongly support the union’s efforts to protect its members against large corporations’ efforts to exploit performers and replace them with lifeless AI shortcuts. I have no illusions about the scope of my reach and influence, but until the strike is resolved, I will be taking a break from this project. I have one more post, a review of The Acolyte, set to go up Tuesday, but after that I will step away from this blog.

I will not stop playing SWTOR or discontinue my subscription or stop supporting my friends in the community. If you are enjoying the game, then I encourage you to do the same. Our subscriptions also pay for all the artists, writers and developers who are not striking, and I am happy to support them and their hard work which has brought me countless hours of joy over the years.

I have no reason to believe that the SWTOR team has any plans or intent to replace its voice cast with AI substitutes. In fact, I hope the opposite is true. Nevertheless, corporations like EA and Disney are so large and powerful these days, that I believe unions, collective bargaining and labor actions are an effective tool to help ensure the rights of workers. If I can show some support in affected areas related to this blog, I shall.


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