This is just a quick post to announce the winners of this year’s May the 4th raffle!
The Grand Prize winners are Shadrenn, Davkota and Voartek! But that’s not all. The good folks at Bioware kicked in a mix of 30 day subscription codes and 450 cartel coin codes so that a baker’s dozen of players could celebrate the Star Warsiest of holidays with some extra swagger. Congratulations to Zarresh Rehiada, Cara Ligo, Valkiana, Avorme, Eksa Bendak, Obinov, Jivani, NaughtyNautolan, Sarlinn and Vashratunda! If I haven’t contacted you directly, check the in-game mail of the character for your code.
Big, big thanks to everyone who stopped by and may the Force be with you!
Congrats everyone! Good to see at least one person from the Satele Shan server got some love. Also, I think I’ve played NaughtyNautolan’s npcee at the mobile Pazaak Cantina game. Congrats!
Thanks for the fun, Intisar. Great work and congrats to all the winners!
Congrats to all the winners!