In 1977, Star Wars changed the world for a generation of kids. The ingredients that made the movie a success in theatres: the epic battle between heroes and villains, exciting action and impossible special effects meant that the continuing adventures of Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia and Han Solo would find a natural fit in the comic books of the Marvel Comics Group. Star Wars fans didn't have to wait years between movies when their appetite for adventure could be sated by a quick trip the to spinner rack at the local super market or variety store.
A lot has changed in the last decades, but Star Wars found a nearly continuously published home in the comic book medium. For more than a decade, tales of characters old and new could be found in the pages of Dark Horse Comics, and most recently, Marvel Comics has again begun to chart out an era of adventures beyond the movies.
On this page, I've shared some of the original Star War artwork I've collected. Select a gallery and feel free to explore each scrollable page! The artwork on this site is copyrighted to Lucasfilm Ltd. It is shared here from my collection at no cost and should not be re-used or distributed without Lucasfilm's permission.
Questions? Comments? Cease and desist warnings? Drop me a line!
Gallery 1 • The Marvel Era
Star Wars, issue 8, page 16
Face front, true believers! This is it! The introduction of one of the most notorious characters in all Star Wars lore, the loveable lepus carnivorous, Jaxxon!
Pencils by Howard Chaykin, inks by Tom Palmer.
Star Wars, issue 16, page 27
On the plains of Aduba-3, Amaiza, Jaxxon and a herd of Banthas finish off the space pirates of Valance the Hunter.
Pencils by Walt Simonson, inks by Bob Wiacek.
Star Wars, issue 16, page 30
Jaxxon! Amaiza! Valance the Hunter! Jimm the Starkiller Kid! What more could you ask? Here's the climatic page from Valance's epic first appearance.
Pencils by Walt Simonson, inks by Bob Wiacek.
Star Wars, issue 68, pages 10-11
This two page spread boasts Princess Leia's encounter with Boba Fett's fellow super-commando, Fenn Shysa and a wonderful sense of layout!
Layouts by Gene Day, finishes by Tom Palmer.
Star Wars, issue 70, page 3
On board the Millennium Falcon, Luke Skywalker tells Lando Calrissian that this isn't his first trip to the notorious frontier world of Stenos.
Pencils by Ron Frenz, inks by Tom Palmer.
Star Wars, issue 70, page 17
This page from "The Stenax Stuffle" features Han Solo, Rik Duel and the menacing winged natives of the planet Stenos.
Pencils by Kerry Gammill, inks by Tom Palmer.
Star Wars, issue 72, page 14
Although there is no dialogue on this page, it's hardly silent. Chewbacca and Artoo Detoo face off against a fearsome Stenax!
Pencils by Ron Frenz, inks Tom Palmer.
Star Wars, issue 80, page 9
Luke, Leia and Threepio race through the rain to the Millennium Falcon in this moody page from the classic issue 80, "Ellie."
Pencils by Ron Frenz, inks by Tom Palmer.
Star Wars, issue 80, page 15
Our heroes search for the missing rebel spy Tay Vanis on another tension-filled page from issue 80.
Pencils by Ron Frenz, inks by Tom Palmer.
Star Wars, issue 81, page 15
Issue 81 is notable as the only non-flashback appearance of Boba Fett in the Marvel series. This page features Boba Fett and Artoo versus the Jawas of Doom!
Breakdowns by Ron Frenz, finishes by Tom Mandrake or Tom Palmer.
Star Wars, issue 82, page 4
Ewoks attack! Luke Skywalker hones his Force skills with the help of some natives of the forest moon of Endor.
Pencils by Ron Frenz, inks by "M. Hands"
Star Wars, issue 102, page 16
Issue #102 of Star Wars, in which Luke returns to Iskalon, was illustrated by proflic artist Sal Buscema. Here, Nagai invaders prove to be no match for Kiro.
Pencils by Sal Buscema, inks by Sam De La Rosa.
Gallery 2 • The Marvel Era
Cynthia Martin - Cynthia Martin's art is some of my favorite of the Marvel series. She brought a clean line and manga influences to her work long before it became the current fashion.
• Issue 95 •
Star Wars, issue 95, page 6
The calm before the storm from the opening chapter of one of the the strongest stories of the Marvel run. Han, Leia and Luke receive orders from Admiral Akbar.
Pencils by Cynthia Martin, inks by Steve Leialoha.
Star Wars, issue 95, page 11
On the planet Kabray, Leia learns the hard way about Zeltron fashion. Meanwhile on Kinooine, Dani and Kiro get the stuffing beaten out of them.
Pencils by Cynthia Martin, inks by Steve Leialoha.
• Issue 96 •
Star Wars, issue 96, page 3
This page depicts Luke Skywalker's first confrontation with the Dark Lady Lumiya. For my money, this is the most exciting encounter in the Marvel series.
Pencils by Cynthia Martin, inks by Bob Wiacek.
Star Wars, issue 96, page 6
Luke begins to falter in the face of Lumiya's relentless assault.
Pencils by Cynthia Martin, inks by Bob Wiacek.
Star Wars, issue 96, page 8
Lumiya relishes her victory over Luke and discusses his fate with Den Siva.
Pencils by Cynthia Martin, inks by Bob Wiacek.
Star Wars, issue 96, page 11
Kiro discovers why you should never, ever let Zeltrons do your packing.
Pencils by Cynthia Martin, inks by Bob Wiacek.
Star Wars, issue 96, page 14
Having been rescued by Kiro, Luke plans their next move.
Pencils by Cynthia Martin, inks by Bob Wiacek.
• Issue 97 •
Star Wars, issue 97, page 4
Luke and Kiro watch helplessly as a joint Nagai and Imperial assault force occupies the planet Kinooine.
Pencils by Cynthia Martin, inks by Art Nichols.
• Issue 100 •
Star Wars, issue 100, page 3
Han Solo shows what he thinks of standardized piloting exams on this funny gag page. The blue lines which didn't scan very well indicate lines to be colored in the final comic.
Pencils by Cynthia Martin, inks by Art Nichols and Sam De La Rosa.
Star Wars, issue 100, page 9
Outside the Rebel base on Endor, Luke practices with two lightsabers and meets up with Han.
Pencils by Cynthia Martin, inks by Art Nichols and Sam De La Rosa.
Star Wars, issue 100, page 12
Luke, Lando, Leia and Chewbacca prepare to head off the Nagai invasion of Endor
Pencils by Cynthia Martin, inks by Art Nichols and Sam De La Rosa.
Star Wars, issue 100, page 15
Knife and the Maccabrees gather in the forests of Endor and ready their attack on Rebel Alliance headquarters.
Pencils by Cynthia Martin, inks by Art Nichols and Sam De La Rosa.
Star Wars, issue 100, page 21
Another cool Han Solo page. Han crashes a speeder bike and worries about Leia.
Pencils by Cynthia Martin, inks by Art Nichols and Sam De La Rosa.
Star Wars, issue 100, page 32
Knife and Bey demonstrate the brutal essence of the Nagai on this page.
Pencils by Cynthia Martin, inks by Art Nichols and Sam De La Rosa.
Star Wars, issue 100, page 38
In this climatic scene, Luke opens up a can of whoop-ass on some Maccabrees to save Leia and the Zeltron guys!
Pencils by Cynthia Martin, inks by Art Nichols and Sam De La Rosa.
Star Wars, issue 100, page 39
Han Solo to the rescue! Han displays less than perfect timing, but Leia appreciates the effort anyway.
Pencils by Cynthia Martin, inks by Art Nichols and Sam De La Rosa.
• Issue 103 •
Star Wars, issue 103, page 5
While exploring the ruins of a devestated city on the planet Trenwyth, Princess Leia encounters a lone survivor, a Nagai warrior!
Pencils by Cynthia Martin, inks by Art Nichols.
Star Wars, issue 103, page 20
After saving and befriending Tai, Leia attempts to overcome their language barrier and send the Nagai on his way.
Pencils by Cynthia Martin, inks by Art Nichols.
• Issue 104 •
Star Wars, issue 104, page 2
Nagais and Dolls! Luke discusses the state of galactic politics with a bevy of Zeltron beauties. Nice pufffy shirt, Lando!
Art by Cynthia Martin.
Star Wars, issue 104, page 5
See-Threepio and Plif the Hoojib try to comfort Dani as the Millennium Falcon lands on Zeltros.
Art by Cynthia Martin.
Star Wars, issue 104, page 7
Party on! Luke, Leia, Lando, Han, Chewie, Dani and a couple of Hoojibs meet the King and Queen of Zeltros.
Art by Cynthia Martin.
Star Wars, issue 104, page 10
The King and Queen discuss diplomacy while Leia and Dani discuss revenge. Check out the wonderful costuming on this page...
Art by Cynthia Martin.
Star Wars, issue 104, page 15
Lando, you old smoothie! Just another night on Zeltros.
Art by Cynthia Martin.
Gallery 3 • The Dark Horse Era
Dark Force Rising, issue 4, page 17
A memorable appearance of Mara Jade comes from of Dark Horse Comics' adaptation of the Timothy Zahn novel.
Pencils by Terry Dodson, inks by Kevin Nowlan.
Droids, issue 7, page 20
This page from the "Season of Revolt" story arc, features mayhem with Artoo and Threepio and a cool space ship.
Pencils by Bill Hughes, inks by Keith Williams.
Droids, issue 8, page 11
As his transport comes under attack from another ship, Threepio once again can't forget how much he hates space travel!
Pencils by Bill Hughes, inks by Keith Williams.
Star Wars Tales, issue 3, page 19
On this page from "Three Against the Galaxy" an improbable trio of a girl, a gamorrean and jawa race away from danger while crammed into one speeder!
Pencils by Rick Leonardi, inks by Mark Lipka.
X-Wing: Rogue Squadron, issue 35, page 2
X-Wings attack! From the "Mandatory Retirement" serial. Baron Fel's head in panel 3 was drawn by Steve Crespo
Pencils by John Nadeau, inks by Jordi Ensign.
X-Wing: Rogue Squadron Handbook, TIE Interceptor
John Nadeau did an excellent job depicting the starships of the Star Wars galaxy. Here is a portrait of the fearsome TIE Interceptor.
Pencils by John Nadeau, inks by Jordi Ensign.
Princess Leia Studies
Chris Sprouse is my favorite Princess Leia artist. He worked out Leia's costume and hair style in these two unpublished studies for the Splinter of the Mind's Eye adaptation.
Pencils by Chris Sprouse.
Splinter of the Mind's Eye, issue 1, page 11
Luke, Leia and Threepio explore the swamp world Mimban from the adaptation of Alan Dean Foster's novel.
Pencils by Chris Sprouse, inks by Terry Austin.
Splinter of the Mind's Eye, issue 1, page 17
In the corner of bustling cantina, Luke and Leia talk to Halla who displays some talent with the Force.
Pencils by Chris Sprouse, inks by Terry Austin.
Gallery 4 • RPG, Books & Magazines
Star Wars Insider, issue 71
Here is a sultry illustration of anti-Jedi agitator Thrynka Padaunete
Art by Joe Corroney.
Star Wars Kids
Han and Chewie fight a three-armed, electro-axe weilding droid. What more could you possibly ask? A fun page from Star Wars Kids magazine.
Pencils by Gary Erskine.
Star Wars Roleplaying Game
This preliminary drawing of the scoundrel, Arani Korden was published by Wizards of the Coast in a Star Wars RPG preview comic; the final version appears in the Invasion of Theed Adventure Game.
Pencils by Adam Hughes.
Essential Guide to Alien Species, Trianii
A wonderful portrait of a female Trianii, the feline race which first appeared in the novel Han Solo at Star's End by the Brian Daley.
Pencils by R. K Post.
Essential Guide to Alien Species, Trianii
Here is a delicately beautiful portrait of a fun loving Zeltron, the red skinned alien race introduced during the latter part of the Marvel Star Wars series.
Pencils by R. K Post.
Princess Leia: Rebel Leader
Aboard the the Blockade Runner, Princess Leia obsesseves the approach of Darth Vader's Star Destroyer in this illustration from a Star Wars children's book
Art by Ken Steacy.
Star Wars Kids
Watch out, Han, Luke and Leia! TIE fighters attack in this cliff hanging page from Star Wars Kids magazine.
Art Ken Steacy and Glen Mullaly.
The Star Wars Roleplaying Game, Ana Tathis
The young Jedi, Ana Tathis guided players through the rules of the Force in the classic West End Games RPG.
Art by Mike Vilardi.
Galaxy Guide 8: Scouts, Ex-Imperial Scout
This illustration of a veteran scout was slightly cropped when printed in the West End Games book.
Art by Mike Vilardi.
Alliance Intelligence Reports, Casti Tholon
Check out the leaping lizard and the wonderful shading and tones of this hardy explorer.
Art by Mike Vilardi.
Imperial Entanglements, Platt O'keefe
The notorius smuggler Platt O'Keefe and her Twi-lik pal Tru'eb celebrate a victory over the Empire.
Art by Mike Vilardi.
Star Wars Gamer, issue 3
Only bits and pieces of this this full color illustration of an Imperial Hit Squad appeared in Star Wars Gamer. See it here in all its glory for the first time!
Art by Mike Vilardi.
Star Wars Gamer, issue 9
A stunningly textured portrait of a fringer from Star Wars Gamer magazine.
Art by Mike Vilardi.
Sam and Max: Freelance Police
Fans of Lucasarts will know why Sam & Max are here. Aside from their own hilarious comics, Max has cameos in many of Lucasarts' games, including the infamous Max-shaped room in Dark Forces.
Art by Steve Purcell.
Gallery 5 • Commissions & Convention Sketches
Princess Leia
Convention sketch, Star Wars Celebration III, Indianapolis, IN, 2005.
Art by Tommy Lee Edwards.
Padme Amidala
Convention sketch, Star Wars Celebration 3, Indianapolis, IN, 2005.
Art by Adam Hughes.
Princess Leia from Star Wars: Infinities
Convention sketch, Heroes Convention, Charlotte, NC, 2001.
Art by Drew Johnson.
Han Solo from Star Wars: Infinities
Convetion sketch, DragonCon, Atlanta, GA, 2003.
Art by Drew Johnson.